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Choose a movie, TV show, book, graphic novel, etc where a psychological concept

Choose a movie, TV show, book, graphic novel, etc where a psychological concept or disorder is portrayed (get creative with this!). Discuss the concept that the media focuses on, and discuss how accurate this description is compared to real life. Discuss the implications of this portrayal (good or bad), as well as the realities of the condition or concept on family, society, relationships, education, or any other relevant area of a person’s life.
Note: This paper should be 5-7 pages in length. This is not meant to be a plot summary, do not spend excessive time focusing on a synopsis of the media, instead focus on the concept and behavior (assume that I am familiar with the media). Use specific examples to illustrate your points. There are a minimum of seven sources required for this assignment. Please limit this to one concept/disorder as portrayed in one tv show/movie/book/etc.
Some examples:
BPD: Girl, Interrupted; Welcome to Me; Monster; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Schizophrenia: A Beautiful Mind; Benny and Joon
Anterograde Amnesia: Momento; Finding Nemo/Dory; 50 First Dates
Retrograde Amnesia: The Bourne Identity; Regarding Henry
Psychosis/Dissociative Disorders: Psycho; Dexter
Substance Abuse/Anxiety Disorders/PTSD: Requiem for a Dream; Jacob’s Ladder; Trainspotting; 28 Days
DID: Fight Club; Sybil
ASD: The Imitation Game; Rain Man; Forrest Gump; The Good Doctor
Aging and Alzheimer’s: Driving Miss Daisy; The Notebook
Social Issues (LGBT+, prejudice, discrimination, civil rights): The Hurricane; The Dallas Buyers Club; American History X; Remember the Titans; The Kids are All Right
OCD: As Good As It Gets; What About Bob?; Monk; The Aviator
Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Clockwork Orange; Silence of the Lambs; The Dark Knight

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