Compose an original, philosophical essay (1500 words minimum). Select a topic of
your choosing from the options provided from your instructor and clearly employ a line of
philosophical reflection to apply to the issue raised by the question or topic, and expound upon
your position, employing philosophical arguments to support your thesis. You are expected to
use the arguments, theories, and philosophical understandings that you acquired in this course
in your paper.
Topic: Tell me which philosopher or philosophical concept has had the most pronounced effect
on you/your thinking/your life this semester.
First, explain what the philosopher said, or explain the philosophical concept. (Here’s where you
need to use the textbook and additional academic sources.
After you’ve explained this philosopher/philosophy, next tell me how it relates to you in your
current milieu. You can share conversations, different actions, or simply how you see something
differently based on this philosopher/philosophy.
I´d appreciate it greatly if you could create basic broad situations that would pertain to the
component of relating to personal events
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