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Dimensions of Empowerment Self-determination Employees feel they have freedom and discretion Meaning Employees believe their work is important

Dimensions of Empowerment Self-determination Employees feel they have freedom and discretion Meaning Employees believe their work is important

Dimensions of Empowerment Self-determination Employees feel they have freedom and discretion Meaning Employees believe their work is important. Competence Employees have feelings of self- efficacy Impact Employees feel their actions influence success Taking these four dimensions as the outcomes we would like for our employees, please consider ways in which these could be practically achieved in a workplace Think about how we might use employee development, rewards and other managerial actions to ensure our employees have this psychological empowerment. As future successful inclusive leaders and entrepreneurs, you need to empower others and these dimensions are a useful way to begin thinking about how to do so. Task: Please suggest a practical step to take at work (one idea/approach for each dimension), that allows employees to achieve this empowerment. Also tell us the dimension that you believe stands out as most important and why. Have you experienced any of these in a workplace? (approx 200 words)

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