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Each student will create a researched report/essay that is based on one of the L

Each student will create a researched report/essay that is based on one of the Landmark Cases in Textbook, Chapter Six regarding Agency Duties and Disclosures.
The ONE specific Landmark Case isassigned to each student by the Professor at the end of these instructions. You will need to know your student ID number to determine which ONE landmark decision has been assigned to you. See the bottom of this page. There are usually more students than cases, therefore two or more students may be assigned the same case. You are to work independently. IF YOU CAN NOT FIND YOUR ID# on the list, it is YOURresponsibility to notify the instructor IMMEDIATEL
These are NOT suggestions, they are requirements.
Follow these instructions CAREFULLY.
Your total points will depend on it.
Your report/essay MUST be setup exactly like this:
First – Name Case: State the case that is assigned to you.
Second – Result: State what MUST be done AND/OR NOT be done because of the Landmark case ruling. Use your own words.
Third – Practice: Write, create, imagine, dream-up a brief scenario or training story that depicts an instance of someone violating YOUR ruling. You want to show HOW this case is used in real estate. Explain the violation and what SHOULD have been done instead. This should not be shorter than 300 words and no longer than 1500 words. Use short sentences. Write clearly. Use paragraphs. Use words you know and understand. Give people names. Make certain it is clear who is saying or doing what to whom. It is possible to earn substantial extra points IF you submit an audio recording or video vignette of YOUR OWN creation in lieu of the 300-1500 word scenario. You may request additional production time if you want to provide an audio &/or video production. Submit your request to the instructor for more time at least 2 days before the DUE DATE.
Fourth – Form: Indicate on which Disclosure Form and specifically WHERE on the form this item can be found, attested to, noted, initialed, etc. Example: Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement, page 2 item D1 & D2
The Professor will reject ANY submission that has a paragraph longer the 10 LINES and a sentence longer than 2 lines. You will earn ZERO points. You can not do this assignment on your phone.

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