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Final Assignment SOC 101-01 Due May 5. See Syllabus 15% of grade Research Paper

Final Assignment SOC 101-01 Due May 5. See Syllabus 15% of grade
Research Paper that addresses the question: What defines Generation Z?
This is a broad question and you will need to focus on a narrower topic. For instance, there are many aspects of generation Z that can be studied, for instance:
1. Diversity and Generation Z (racial/ ethnic/ gender identities)
2. Generation Z and digital identities
3. Generation Z / Tik Tok
4. Generation Z and their subcultures (gaming, anime, tiktok)
5. The language of Generation Z
6. Political attitudes of generation Z
7. Culture of (can include any aspect of culture- material and nonmaterial)
8. Historical process that have an effect on the generational consciousness.
(COVID 19, The era of Trump politics, BLM, MeToo, globalization
9. Music
10. ? These are just ideas. You can use your own.
You will engage in a form of primary research. You will basically write a paper to describe some quality of the generation. You will research your chosen quality/theme by collecting data on that theme. For instance, if you are writing about memes and their significance as a form of cultural communication for generation z, then you will want to have a sample of memes to analyze. You will have to figure out a way to collect the sample and then analyze them.
If you are writing about political attitudes you might want to create a survey/interview that asks specific questions about political attitudes and conduct the survey on a sample of participants.
If you are writing about the language of the generation, you will want to include a sample of argot from the generation in your research. You will need to figure out how to collect the sample.
If you are writing about a specific subculture , you will want to figure out a way to collect data on that subculture. You may want to use participant observation, interviews, surveys, or content analysis.
These are just some ideas. You can use your own ideas.
Section 1 of your paper: You will introduce the reader to Generation Z and the identity marker of generation Z in a very general sense. You might start by going online to the PEW Research Center and searching Generation Z. You will want to define very basic definitions, for example you might want to define generational cohort, generational consciousness, culture, ect (depending on where you are going with your paper) At the end of your introduction you will develop a thesis statement that addresses what identity marker of generation z you will be exploring.

On the Cusp of Adulthood and Facing an Uncertain Future: What We Know About Gen Z So Far

Section 2 of your paper You will give a more developed background of the specific identity marker you are writing about. For instance, if you are writing about memes, you will want to give an introduction to memes. (definition, origins, usage, ect). If you are writing about anime, you might want to give a history of anime. If you are writing about historical processes you will want to clarify what is meant by historical processes and how they might affect the generational consciousness. If you are writing about subcultures you will want to give a background on the particular subculture you are writing about.
Section 3 of your paper You will write out a detailed description of your method. You will explain to the reader what method is being used. (Survey, interviews, content analysis, participant observation. For instance, if you are collecting examples of memes, you will want to tell the reader how you came to collect this sample of memes. Or if you are conducting a survey, you will want to describe your survey (the demographics of your survey) and a sample of participants.
(We did not go over “content analysis” in class. This type of method uses a qualitative approach and analyzes cultural artifacts and the themes that they represent. (wirings, pictures, tv shows, album covers, music videos, tik tok videos, memes, ect)
With that said, it would be near impossible to create a random sample. But you will describe how your sample was collected.
Section 4 of your paper- -You will describe the analysis of your data collection. What did you find out? Themes, ideas, numbers, attitudes, nothing. You will present the results here.
Section 5 of your paper – You will list the limitations of your data collection and research. You might want to address how the sample that you used does not represent the complete population. You were limited in your sample and this limitation may inhibit the ability to make generalizations.
Section 6 of your paper you will make conclusions based on your research and the limitations you were faced with. You will then generate new research questions from your results. You will make recommendations for further research.
The paper should be anywhere from 6- 10 pages. You will have a reference section (works cited) You will use APA or MLA. You will have at least 6 sources.

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Research Paper appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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