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For this assignment, you will be completing another content analysis Working Con

For this assignment, you will be completing another content analysis
Working Conditions on TV Jobs
Exercise one: Examine the modern workplace as depicted on a current TV drama or sitcom. You’ll want to take notes as you view one episode of the program, and you may need multiple viewings to collect your data. Look at the way characters perform their jobs on the show. Often workers are shown socializing or engaging in other kinds of personal activities while on the job. How much real work gets done? And when characters are actually working, what aspects of that work are featured during the program? Often we see only the most unusual or glamorous aspects of work, while the day-to-day routine or behind-the-scenes aspects rarely appear. Another dimension is how characters relate to their jobs and to their co-workers. Are they happy and fulfilled by the work they do? Do they complain about work or experience other kinds of troubles with their jobs? How are power and resistance exercised in the workplace? Discuss your findings to the extent to which you believe the programs accurately reflect these professions in real life.
Your assignment: Choose one of the exercises provided and follow the instructions as outlined. Write a three-to-four page essay analyzing your findings.

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Working Con appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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