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For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data

For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data that I took from the website of the Welsh government
(link). The data collection is called WIMD, which stands for Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. It contains
a series of data that are all measured at the lower layer super output areas, also called LSOA. LSOAs have
an average population of 1500 people or 650 households, which means that we end up with a geographically
very fine grained view of Wales: geographical units with the same population size, but of course different
geographical sizes. Each of the data points we observe represents the average of a variable among this amount
of people. As you can see on the home page, the data is published every five years. We work with the latest
release from 2019. In general, this data covers a wide range of variables that are all super interesting—so go
wild and explore if you want!
For this exercise, we will focus on a small subset of the variables and cover the relationship between educational
achievement and distance from secondary schools. We will also add some control variables. Overall, we are
covering the following variables:
– Example cohort 5

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