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Hello this assignment is a total of 9000 words with 8 seperate essays each with

Hello this assignment is a total of 9000 words with 8 seperate essays each with a different title & word count. Please fully read all of the
instructions and grading rubrics for each assignment that i post below. **(Please use proper English and Grammar)**(Please no Plagarism)
*(Some assignments do require the use of powerpoint)* (Please submit each assignment individually)*
Essay 1 Internet Marketing Plan Outcome Paper: Introduction Assignment(APA 1000 words& Powerpoint)-
Over the duration of this course, you will develop a marketing plan, specifically an Internet
marketing plan, for a cause or a not-for-profit group that you are familiar with. This must be a
group that you have access to. You must have an interest or passion for and can offer this plan to
the organization for their benefit.
For this first part of your Internet marketing plan paper, identify the organization or cause of
your choice. Give a detailed background of the organization, why you chose it, your current
involvement with it, and a few purposes of the plan for the benefit of the organization. The
Internet marketing plan must focus on introducing the organization via the Internet and social
media to the right audience or enhancing their existing presence using the Internet and social
media. For example, perhaps a local soup kitchen provides a wonderful service, but they lack the
funds to advertise who they are, what their purpose is, etc. Through a website, social media
outlets, and more, the awareness level of an organization can be greatly enhanced. In comparing
the requirements of this Module: Week’s components to a traditional marketing plan, you will
identify the current situation, trends, the performance of the organization to date (if existing),
some key issues the organization is facing, and some major objectives of the plan.
One component that is central to an Internet marketing plan, for most entities, is a website. Begin
creating a basic website for your organization or cause. You can use Wix.com, Squarespace.com,
Wordpress.com or even use Power Point to make a mockup of your website. Each of the online
platforms allow you to create a website for free. In your paper for this first part of the Internet
marketing plan, identify the web address of the website you have created (or imbed your mockup
in your plan). If you use Wix.com, etc., I suggest putting a disclaimer on the page that says
something to the effect of “For practice purposes only – Not a real website/company”. If this is a
website you are going to use for your business or idea, then it may not be needed.
Your submission must be at least 1,000 words and include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition
to the course textbook. You must also include a title page and a reference page, each of which
must comply with current APA formatting requirements.
Research Paper 2 Business Models Assignment(APA Format 1500 Words) –
A model sets the framework of building. Underneath the exterior shell of a car is the framework
or model that it was built around. In business, there is a model of how to structure an
organization to make revenue based on how value is delivered to the customer. Choose 1 of the
business models from Table 3.1 on page 67 of the course textbook. Search for a scholarly article
about an Internet business that is representative of the model. Discuss how the business
implements the chosen model.
Your submission must be a minimum of 1,500 words and written in current APA format. Each
paper must focus on the specific questions listed in the instructions for that particular paper. The
paper must include at least 2 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook and the
Essay 3 Internet Marketing Plan Outcome Paper: Opportunities and Strategies Assignment (APA Format 1000 words &
Powerpoint update)-
Over the duration of this course, you will develop a marketing plan, specifically an Internet
marketing plan, for a cause or a not-for-profit group that you are familiar with. This must be a
group that you have access to. You must have an interest or passion for and can offer this plan to
the organization for their benefit.
For this second part of the Internet marketing plan, identify opportunities and strategies for your
organization’s value proposition. What is the value proposition and how will this compare to
other similar organizations? In addition, develop a goal and strategy for developing the
organization’s online brand through the use of online advertising. What opportunities will you
use, how much will it cost, and what purpose will it serve? How will you measure the success of
the strategy?
To the website you created, add some key category or subject matter links and begin telling
visitors your value proposition on the pages.
Your submission must be at least 1,000 words and include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition
to the course textbook. You must also include a title page and a reference page, each of which
must comply with current APA formatting requirements.
Research Paper 4 Video Platforms( APA Format 1500 words)-
Video presentations are becoming the norm on most websites. From communicating news stories
to presenting online movies and broadcasting sports events, video is a notable aspect of the
online experience. What video platforms in addition to YouTube are available for use in Internet
marketing? How do the various platforms compare to each other in terms of integration,
optimization, cost, popularity, etc.?
Your submission must be a minimum of 1,500 words and written in current APA format. Each
paper must focus on the specific questions listed in the instructions for that particular paper. The
paper must include at least 2 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook and the
Essay 5 Internet Marketing Plan Outcome Paper: Video Marketing Assignment(APA format 1000 Words)-
Over the duration of this course, you will develop a marketing plan, specifically an Internet
marketing plan, for a cause or a not-for-profit group that you are familiar with. This must be a
group that you have access to. You must have an interest or passion for and can offer this plan to
the organization for their benefit.
For this third part of your Internet marketing plan, focus on developing the video marketing
strategy. Create messaging and promotional aspects specifically for video. Develop the content
in a way that will enhance the chances of the video going viral. You do not need to create the
video segments, but rather write the overall idea of what the videos will be and what they will
accomplish. Considerately estimate and list the costs of creating and promoting the videos.
Address what video platform you will use (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and explain why.
For your website this Module: Week, search for 3–4 videos on YouTube that relate to your
cause. Add those videos to a “Videos” page you have created on the website.
Your submission must be at least 1,000 words and include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition
to the course textbook. You must also include a title page and a reference page, each of which
must comply with current APA formatting requirements.
Research Paper 6 Affiliate Programs Assignment(APA Format 1500 words)- Please read attached instructions
Research Paper 7 Social Media Assignment(APA Format 1500 words)- Please read attached instructions
Final Project Interenet Marketing Plan-Please Read attached instructions

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