Please write a case study of around 2100 words about a chosen topic, for my Visual Culture course.
Topics: (Choose any of these)
1. Blurring boundaries of genres – high art and popular art. Images of high art in popular culture. Collect examples. (In advertisements, music, fashion)
2. Pop art – choose an art work; or choose an issue connected to pop art (marketing, consumption, pop art in the former socialist countries, gender, blurring boundaries of life an art); consumption and pop art.
3. Gender and feminist strategies – Guerilla Girls and Pussy Riot, Femen, Mee too – compare them (visuality, image, message).
Compare their contexts, time, visuality of how they present themselves.
Compare the consequences, reactions.
4. Gender in popular culture – Contemporary music, videos. Girl power videos. Compare selected examples
5. Gender and art: the gaze – choose a work of art, or a film in which you analyze the gaze.
6. How does consumer culture use gendered bodies? Advertisements. New masculinity (men in new roles, father, home maker, etc.) Pop culture, new masculinity (sexuality) in popular culture (music, film, ads)
7. Politics of visuality – Images of war and terror. Visuality of recent war zones, conflict zones and their representation in media.
8. Photograph and war. How did images of war change from war photography, through the change of medium, television, media images, digital pictures, internet?
Compare emblematic pictures of war and terror
Capa: Falling soldier and the question of authenticity
9. Politics and art – The power of images
10. Propaganda and its art, visuality. Use of images, symbols by totalitarian regimes.
The topic should be applied to a special artifact, exhibition, piece of art as a case study.
The paper needs to be strictly between 2000 and 2200 words not including the references.
The paper needs to have minimum 10 (academic source) references. Academic sources are academic journal articles, preferably, with DOI numbers; chapters in edited books; and monographs.
All references need to have an “in-text reference”, in other words an indication, that tells which information is taken from which source.
Similarity percentage cannot exceed 10%, otherwise I automatically fail.
The paper should be in an editable (word) document format.
The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Understanding the topic (25%)
Analysis (30%)
Source use (15%)
Structure (20%)
Language and mechanics (10%)
I would appreciate if you guys wrote a 50%+ paper, following all instructions.
Thank you a lot, and please message me if you have any questions.
E-mail: nbalazs0928@gmail.com
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Please write a case study of around 2100 words about a chosen topic, for my appeared first on Skilled Papers.