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I need this paper revised before I turn it in. The other documents I attached a

I need this paper revised before I turn it in. The other documents I attached are the short research papers I wrote while researching. The document that needs checked is
“Globalization and Liberal Art Breadth Area_Final Research Paper_Copy for revision.docx”
Signature Assignment: Global Issues in the Liberal Arts Research Project
The research paper consists of an objective examination of a topi from the perspectives of all four liberal arts breadth areas. It must be related to living in a global community. You may research some aspect of culture (e.g., politics, social change, music, film, art, theatre, literature, science, religion, etc.) in a country other than the United States. Or, you may focus on an aspect of US culture that has implications for the global community.
**You may not write about a topic that is related in any way to your major.
Four checkpoints have been built into the course to provide feedback and to help you make steady progress in selecting a topic, conducting research to find relevant sources, and writing the paper. Please review the assignment directions for weeks 2-6 for more details on expectations and the grading criteria.
Globalization refers to the worldwide phenomenon of technological, economic, political and cultural exchanges, brought about by modern communication, transportation, and legal infrastructure as well as the political choice to consciously open cross-border links in international trade and finance. It is a term used to describe how places and human beings are becoming more intertwined with each other around the world economically, politically, and culturally. Although these globalization links are not new, they are more pervasive than ever before.
The formatting requirements for the paper are as follows:
The length of the paper will vary from student to student, but in general, the paper (Review of the Literature, which is the main body of the paper) should be between 8 and 10 pages. This length does not include the title page or the references.
Cite at least 8 different references (no more than 5 years old), at least 5 of which need to be peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals.
The final version must reflect acceptable spelling and grammar and be written in APA 7th edition format in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1″ margins. More specific guidelines for the paper will be provided, including a template for the paper.
Include APA style title page and references page.
Checkpoint Assignments
Four checkpoints have been built into the course to provide feedback and to help you make steady progress in selecting a topic, conducting research to find relevant sources, and writing the paper. Please review the assignment directions for weeks 2-5 for more details on expectations and the grading criteria. I expect you to use my feedback on your four checkpoint assignments as you finalize your Research Project that is due in week 7.
Resources for Your Project
These documents will help you with this process:
An explanation of APA style.
The research skills guide (.DOCX) that was provided in your first LAS course (Writing and Critical Thinking or College Seminar I). Note that this document refers to that course. Your paper for this course has a more robust/detailed outline than the example provided in this guide.
Additionally the following resources will assist you with APA format and writing:
Guide to APA Style by the American Psychological Association
The OWL at Purdue APA Formatting and Style Guide
Ottawa University Guide to APA Style
Also, please take advantage of the writing resources available through the Gangwish Library. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.
Due: Sunday at 11:59 p.m., CT
Points Possible: 175

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