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IMAGINE Paper (Module 8) 30% of final grade Using the work completed in the Disc

IMAGINE Paper (Module 8) 30% of final grade
Using the work completed in the Discussion Board Assignments in Modules 4-6, students will write a paper that describes the IMAGINE process for their organization.
Format: The paper must be written using Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced, one-inch margins all around, use indention in the first sentence of each new paragraph, use headings and subheadings to organize the material and conform to the style in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (APA, 2020).
The outline for the paper will be as follows – use the following outline to create headings/subheading.
Title page – insert the title of your paper, your name, the number and name of the course, the semester and year on a separate page.
Macro Change Project IMAGINE: ABC Agency
Samy Solastine
SCWK 669 Macro Practice with Communities and Organizations
Spring 2021
Body of paper – the paper must be written in paragraph form using headings and subheadings. All sources must be cited in-text according to APA rules. In-text citations should include citing the course textbook. The body of the paper must be no less than eight pages. The first heading in the body of the paper must be the title of the paper, centered and bolded. The following sections/headings/subheadings will be used to construct the rest of the narrative:
Title of Paper
Provide the name and location of the agency. Provide the agency’s mission statement and describe the populations it serves and the services it provides. Add any information that will give the reader context about your organization. Describe what you believe are your organizations strengths and challenges. Note, this paragraph may be the same as the first paragraph in your PREPARE paper.
Summary of the PREPARE Process (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)
Briefly summarize highlights from the PREPARE paper you submitted in Module 4. Describe what you did to prepare for implementing the change process. Briefly describe the problem, population and need. Summarize your assessment of your macro and personal reality, the primary goal you identified and people who could help or hinder the change process. Summarize your assessment of the cost-benefit potential of the change process and whether you could experience any personal or professional risk resulting from the change. State your decisions resulting from the PREPARE process.
Innovative Idea (2 PARAGRAPHS)
Using your work and feedback from the Module 4 Discussion, describe your innovative idea for macro change at your organization. Discuss how this idea will address the problem, fill the need, and affect the population you describe in the previous section.
Mustering Support (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)
Discuss how you will get support for your project. Describe how you will engage the process and who you need to get permission or approval from to begin the project. Describe how you identify members of the action system you will use to implement the change. Describe their roles and how they will contribute to the change process. The information in this section will draw from your Module 4 Discussion.
Organizational Assets (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)
Using your work and feedback from the Module 5 Discussion, describe what assets or resources your agency already has that can contribute to the success of the change process. For instance, staff and time are two resources. If your organization has a strong infrastructure (for example if it is part of a larger system of care), describe the resource the system offers.
Goal, Objectives, and Action Steps (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)
In this section, you will state the goals, objectives, and action steps you identified for the change process in the Module 5 Discussion. You should begin with a brief introduction and then list your goals, objectives, and action steps using the following format. You should limit your plan to one goal with at least two objectives and two or more actions steps to achieve each objective:
Goal 1:
Objective 1:
Action Step 1:
Action Step 2:
Objective 2:
Action Step1:
Action Step 2:
Plan Implementation (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)
Using your Module 6 Discussion board work and feedback, fully describe the steps you will take to implement your plan. State what you need to do to get the project started. You can use a PERT chart to illustrate the steps you will take to implement the plan.
Dealing with Opposition (1 PARAGRAPH)
Describe how you will neutralize opposition to your plan. Describe how can will gain the support of those who may resist change. State how you can build collaborations and engage resistant parties in the change process. Expand upon your Module 6 Discussion to complete this section.
Evaluation (1 -2 PARAGRAPHS)
In this section, you will include and expand upon the work you did in the Module 6 Discussion Board Assignment. Be sure to incorporate the feedback your received from you instructor and your peers. Describe how you will determine whether you plan is being effectively implemented.
On a separate page, list all the sources your cited in your paper, including your textbook. Use APA formatting for the references page.

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Using the work completed in the Disc appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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