In recent years, the idea of Criminal Justice Reform has become a topic of discussion. Practitioners, Policy Makers, Criminologists, and Activists continue to debate what criminal “justice” should look like in this nation; bouncing between punitive models (a model of justice that believes that punishment can change behavior, that criminals will accept responsibility through punishment, and that the infliction of pain or depravity will deter criminal behavior) and rehabilitative models (a model of justice which takes a therapeutic approach that addresses an offender’s need(s) for treatment).
Your task for this writing assignment will be to detail a new vision for a reformed justice system. This assignment will call on you to reexamine traditional responses to crime, with consideration of fundamental issues such as Crime, Victimization, Equity, Equality, History of Oppression, Poverty and Class Conflict, Safety, Diversity, and the Recognition of Multiculturalism.
Your paper should follow the five-section format indicated below:
Section 1: Introduce the topic of criminal justice reform. Briefly discuss any noteworthy issues with current criminal justice problems and/or practices. Create a new definition of justice, which seeks to address the issues that you have identified.
Section 2: Identify how policing could go about achieving your definition of justice (focus on 1 – 2 changes). What would need to happen in terms of policy and/or procedure changes to enhance your version of justice?
Section 3: Identify how courts could go about achieving your definition of justice (focus on 1 – 2 changes). What would need to happen in terms of policy and/or procedure changes to enhance your version of justice?
Section 4: Identify how corrections could go about achieving your definition of justice (focus on 1 – 2 changes). What would need to happen in terms of policy and/or procedure changes to enhance your version of justice?
Section 5: What are the challenges to achieving your definition of justice, for example, cultural attitudes towards crime and certain groups, financial budgets, public or political support, etc.? List at least two challenges. Refute these challenges with an argument of how your vision of reformed justice would be beneficial for dominant and minority groups alike. End this paragraph with a concluding sentence that reasserts your stance on justice reform.
EACH section should be at least one paragraph (5-9 sentences) and include a subheading. New paragraphs should be indented.
Cover Page: Formatted in APA, 7th Edition:
Font: Times New Roman; Size 12.
Margins: 1 inch.
Spacing: Double spaced.
Additional Formatting Requirements: Page numbers beginning on the first page; Running header.
Citations and References Page: Minimum of 5 outside sources (You may reference the textbook and/or lecture). You should also seek support from credible and peer reviewed sources. Citations should be in APA format, 7th edition. Any and all outside sources need to be cited internally (within your paper) and externally (on a references page). References should be listed on their own page, alphabetically, with “References Page” or “Work Cited” at the top.
NOTE: This assignment requires you to think critically about the topic of justice reform. There is no right or wrong answer’s, but your definition and recommendations need to be realistic (e.g.) “Give each institution a trillion dollars” and “Legalize all crime” are examples of unrealistic recommendations. Additionally, your response needs to be ethically appropriate (e.g.) Solutions such as “Implement an annual Purge” or “Execute all criminals”, are NOT ethically sound solutions, NOR are they appropriate or a coherent critique. Your response needs to come from a critical perspective that is supported by credible and peer-reviewed research. The expectation is that although this assignment is largely based on your perceptions, it should be thoughtful, thorough, well-articulated, and relevant from a criminological and justice studies perspective (e.g.) no illogical claims or conspiracy theories. The goal of this assignment is to encourage your participation in a critical reevaluation of criminal justice policy and practice in this country.
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