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In your paper, you should explore, in greater depth, one of the topics of positi

In your paper, you should explore, in greater depth, one of the topics of positive psychology covered in the course. After choosing a topic, you will write a reflection paper detailing what you have learned about this topic both in the course and from your deeper research.
You are expected to:
Define your topic clearly and how it fits within the field of positive psychology.
State why you chose this topic and how it relates to your interests or your own well-being.
Consider how you might use this topic to improve your personal well-being or that of others.
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the terminology, research, and theories surrounding your topic. Define terms and concepts from the field of positive psychology when you first mention them in your paper.
In addition to citing Compton & Hoffman (2018), you will provide at least three additional sources of current research or theory related to your topic. For a short paper such as this, you should not use more than a total of five sources (including the textbook). Sources can include peer-reviewed journal articles, research/theory oriented magazine articles, non-commercial health/psychology/education internet sites and other books or textbooks on positive psychology.
Provide a title page, at least 5 pages of double-spaced text, and a separate reference page are required. Use APA style for in-text citations and reference list. If you are unfamiliar with APA style, consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
A topic can be defined as any concept related to positive psychology and psychological well-being.
Examples include: social support, humor & health, grit, music & the brain, positive coping styles, nurturing positive relationships, compassion/empathy, wisdom, mindfulness meditation, positive aging and longevity, resilience, motivation, flow, emotional intelligence, peak performance, spirituality, optimism, cross-cultural well-being, genius, positive education, gratitude, employee engagement, strengths-based approach, meaning/purpose in life, positive work environment, volunteerism, positive models of leadership and organization, or others.
Research can be defined as any published study, analysis, or meta-analysis from the field of positive psychology. When making claims about human well-being (or your own) in relation to your topic, back up your claims with peer-reviewed research.
For example, if you mention the importance of gratitude, cite some research or a theory that demonstrates your point. If you mention the danger of making social comparisons, cite some research or a theory that demonstrates your point. If you mention the benefits of meditation, cite some research or a theory that demonstrates your point.
I do not expect you to cite research for every point you make in your paper but I do expect you to make a strong case for your thesis, using the research, concepts, and theories of positive psychology.
Theory is defined as any set of concepts or ideas that seek to explain a phenomenon related to human well-being or other aspects of positive psychology. The following authors have created theories related to positive psychology: Seligman, Csikszentmihalyi, Christopher, Peterson, Frankl, Deci, Diener, Bandura, Fredrickson, Gottman, Sheldon, King, Pema Chodron, Kabat-Zinn, among others; each of these folks has a theory that seeks to explain some aspect of human well-being.
Feel free to draw from theory in addition to research studies when supporting your thesis.
Class Textbook: Positive Psychology William C. Compton & Edward Hoffman
Please let me know if you need me to send some screenshots of my book.

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