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INSTRUCTIONS: Completing this paper will require you to do some outside researc

INSTRUCTIONS: Completing this paper will require you to do some outside research. Answer each question as concisely as you can so that all of your responses fit within the five-page limitation. Please use the APA style of referencing and citation.
Do include a reference page that lists all of the sources that you used to complete the paper.
Wikepedia is NOT an acceptable source to cite. The reference page does not count towards the five page limitation. Be sure to answer all parts of all questions. The questions are equally weighted.
Your paper should be written in essay form. Use sub-headings as appropriate.
Be sure to address each of the following questions:
1) How did the possession, use and distribution of marijuana first become illegal in the United States?
2) A. Currently, how many and which states have made the recreational use of marijuana legal? Choose one state and provide the wording of its recreational marijuana use provisions. (That is, what restrictions does that statute place on the legal recreational use). What reason(s) does the state legislators or voters give for having made the decision to make recreational use of MJ legal?
B. Currently, how many and which states have made the medicinal use of marijuana legal? Choose one state and provide the wording of its medicinal marijuana use provisions. (That is, what restrictions does the statute place on the legal medicinal use). (Note: The District of Columbia/Washington DC in NOT a state). What reason(s) does the state legislators or voters give for having made the decision to make the medicinal use of MJ legal?
3) The Federal government refuses to make the legalization of marijuana national. What reasoning does the Federal government offer for this refusal?
4) Canada has made the decision to legalize marijuana. Compare Canada’s reasoning to legalize MJ to the U.S.’s reasoning for not legalizing MJ.
5) Thousands of Americans have gone to prison or jail for possessing, using or selling MJ. Some remain there. Currently, Americans from differing backgrounds are making a great deal of money legally for this same behavior. Research the current state of the MJ sales industry. How much money is being made and by whom?
6) A) Recalling John Rawl’s Theory of Justice from Module 1, give your opinion about whether the current dual legal status of MJ is consistent or inconsistent with a fair/just legal system. Explain why or why not? (You must support your answer with legal reasoning (e.g. constitutional arguments) and/or social science evidence (e.g. statistics, scholarly research and publications, government reports or reports of agencies tasked with studying and reporting on drug use and abuse and/or crime and its relationship to drug use.)
B) Considering your answer to 6A, how do you think the dual legal status of MJ will impact compliance with MJ laws in those jurisdictions (states and the federal level) where MJ possession, use, and distribution continues to be illegal. Explain your answer.

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