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*****kindly note that this paper is 5 pages double spaced of analysis + an annot

*****kindly note that this paper is 5 pages double spaced of analysis + an annotated bibliography (single spaced and approximately 200 words per source) for 12 sources by anthropologists.
Submitted project proposal:
This project will focus on the relationship between Islam and development following the rise of “Militant Islam” or “Islamic revival” in the region of Southwest Asia. I am interested in exploring the role of Islam and religious traditions in postulating sociopolitical and economic changes and attribute to the democratic deficit in the region. The project will argue that the return to Islamic fundamentalism diverts from the original norms of the religion and are manipulated to serve the interests of patriarchal and power-hungry societies under the name of Islam. Further, I will draw upon anthropological pieces to analyze the reasons behind people’s conformation and devotion to the Islamist and authoritarian regimes as well as women’s submission to respective gender roles and norms, and I will attempt to answer the following questions:
• What defines the differences between religion and Arab culture?
• How are Islamist regimes able to maintain their political and collective legitimacy despite a democratic deficit?
• To what extent were development successful in shifting trends away from gender inequality and oppression? If not so much, what represents an obstacle?
• Why is this important? And what does it imply in a social context?
I hope to make distinctions between socio-religious prospectsand the realities on the ground to explore and explain setbacks in driving economic growth and jeopardizes human-security as well as development.
( sources needed are included, I am unable to copy here)
(Sample of previous essays on this project available and can be used as reference for formatting)
-instructor’s comment:
Fascinating topic—provided you can find enough anthropological literature on it. I think that raher than trying to draw too many conclusion based on what will be an inevitably limited literature review you should focus on understanding the topography of discussion and debate in the literature-setting up a longer and more in depth study down the road. Oxford Bibliographies online provides a good start on Anthropology of Islam as does the following: Osella, F., and B. Soares, eds. 2009. Special issue: Islam, politics, anthropology. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Project approved

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