Length Requirement: 1875-2000 words (1875 minimum, approximately 5-6 pages)
Source Requirement: In addition to March, find at least two sources that help you
develop your essay response to one of the questions below. The sources could be
specifically about the novel or they could be about the context or philosophy of the novel,
such as on the topic of slavery, the abolition of slavery, feminism, the historical time
period, the South, the Civil War, et cetera. Some sources are available on the modules
page on Canvas. You may use those as sources for your paper or research other credible
sources through the library databases or online. Cite and document all sources, as well as
the novel in your paper.
Tips about Writing Style and Organization:
Your essay should have a discernible introduction, body, and conclusion.
An explicit thesis statement, included in the introduction, is recommended.
Be sure your body paragraphs contain clear points that support the thesis
Include quotes and references to the literature to support your points.
Follow MLA style format and documentation.
Write an essay discussing 1-2 (two maximum) of the following themes in March. What
does the novel say about these concepts? Be sure to include close readings of passages
that reveal or hint at the author’s views about the themes you are tracing. Consider
themes such as 1) Abolition, 2) Racial bigotry, 3) Slavery, 4) Traditional roles of
Nineteenth Century women, 5) Father-daughter relationships, 6) Obligation to morals and
beliefs vs. obligation to family, 5) Fidelity, 6) Marriage, 7) Stress of war on family, 8)
Self-Discovery, 8) Survivor guilt.
I want the topic about The slavery and Themes can be about the Stress of war in family.
It is an essay aboout the Literacy argumentative essay.
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