MTTF 3604: ASSIGNMENT ONE (100 Marks)
Question One: (50 Marks)
When we develop children’s mathematical knowledge, we need to build on their everyday and real life experiences. Such experiences may be from the following environments:
Playing with their peers
Other school (Inside/Outside the classroom) experiences
Select two activities from any of the environments indicated above and then answer the questions below. You are not allowed to select the two activities from the same environment
Explain briefly why and how you chose each activity
Identify mathematical concepts associated with each activity you have selected
Explain how you would help the Foundation Phase Learner to learn the related mathematical concepts in each activity? What are the things that you would do to help the children learn the mathematics concepts in each activity?
Assessment Rubric for Assignment One Question One:
Criteria |
In Progress |
Satisfactory |
Exemplary |
1 – 5 |
6-11 |
12-15 |
Explanation of the |
The |
Explanation |
The |
Explanation |
The Explanation |
of |
the |
choice of |
of the choice |
of |
of the choice of |
choice of the |
the |
two |
activities |
the |
activity |
is |
both |
activities |
activities |
is |
inadequate, |
sufficient, at least |
appropriately |
does |
not |
clearly |
for |
one activity, |
provided |
and |
show |
why |
and |
even |
though |
the |
clearly |
explains |
how the choices |
other Activity may |
why |
they |
were |
were made |
not be adequately |
chosen; The basis |
explained |
of |
choice |
fully |
explained |
1 – 5 |
6-11 |
12-15 |
Identification of |
The Mathematics |
The number of |
The number of |
Mathematics |
Concepts |
mathematics |
mathematics |
Concepts |
identified not |
concepts |
concepts in both |
relevant to the |
identified |
activities |
identified |
sufficient in each |
adequately covers |
activities |
activity |
possible |
mathematics |
activities |
1 – 6 |
7- 14 |
15–20 |
Explanation of the |
Explanation of the |
Explanation of the |
Strategy to |
mathematics |
concepts |
concepts and |
introduce the |
concepts to the |
superficial and |
strategy to be |
mathematics |
learners |
minimal, does not |
used sufficient |
concepts very |
clearly show how |
and clear; Does |
clear, Outlines |
the concepts will |
not adequately |
what will be done |
be introduced; |
and thoroughly |
in each case; |
Does not cover all |
cover all the |
Follows |
the concepts |
concepts |
appropriate |
principles in the |
introduction of |
mathematics |
concepts |
Total : 50 |
The introduction of mathematics concepts in Grade R should be significantly different from the introduction of mathematics concepts in Grade 3
Explain why the introduction of the mathematics concepts in Grade R should be different from the introduction of mathematics concepts in Grade 3
Select a mathematics topic from the List given below:
Space and Shape
Answer the following questions:
Explain and illustrate how you would introduce the concept in Grade R
Explain and illustrate how you would introduce the same concept in Grade 3
Assessment Rubric for Assignment One Question Two:
Criteria |
In Progress |
Satisfactory |
Exemplary |
1 – 3 |
4 – 6 |
7-10 |
Explanation of the |
The |
Introduction |
The Introduction |
The Introduction |
at Grade R |
and |
of |
the |
of |
the |
Introduction of |
Grade |
3 |
not |
mathematics |
mathematics |
mathematics |
clearly |
concepts |
clearly |
concepts in Grade |
concepts |
differentiated; |
shown |
for the |
R and Grade 3 |
Differences |
not |
different |
Grades, |
clearly |
shown |
not exceptional |
differentiated; |
Differences |
and |
approaches |
clearly illustrated |
1 – 7 |
8-14 |
15-20 |
Explanation and |
The Introduction |
The Introduction |
The Introduction |
Illustration of the |
and Illustration |
and Illustration |
and Illustration |
are not |
aligned to Grade |
clearly show how |
concepts in Grade |
appropriate for |
R and following |
they are of benefit |
R |
Grade R; Grade R |
appropriate |
and appropriate |
principles not |
principles and |
for Grade R; All |
adhered to |
guidelines |
Principles and |
Guidelines clearly |
demonstrated |
1 – 7 |
8-14 |
15-20 |
Explanation and |
The Introduction |
The Introduction |
The Introduction |
the Introduction of |
and Illustration |
and Illustration |
and Illustration |
concepts in Grade |
are not |
aligned to Grade |
clearly show how |
3 |
appropriate for |
3 and following |
they are of benefit |
Grade 3; Grade 3 |
appropriate |
and appropriate |
principles not |
principles and |
for Grade 3; All |
adhered to |
guidelines |
Principles and |
Guidelines clearly |
demonstrated |
Total : 50 |