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This paper will review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and discuss two Disciplinary / Enforcement Actions (one where you agree with the punishment and one where you disagree). The articles you previously presented were to give you background information for this project and are not required to be included in the paper. However, using a couple of these articles would greatly improve your introduction to your paper.
Use formal academic writing style. This means a cover page (which is not numbered), a real introduction and conclusion, page numbers, Properly formatted references (Turabian or Chicago), and in-text citations. Simply including a link to a website is not a reference. Please double-space and use 12 pt TNR font with 1 inch margins. Avoid excessive quotes, put things in your own words. Use paragraphs, not numbers and bullet points. Proof read it (and have a friend proofread it), check the spelling, grammar, and overall editing.
Papers have a six page limit (not including the cover page and reference page). Papers submitted that are more than 6 pages will be returned to the students for a re-write.
The purpose of the introduction is to tell your reader what the paper is about – tell us what you’re going to be discussing and why.
An introduction should also provide necessary background information, I suggest using what you’ve learned from the articles here.
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct overview
Provide an overview of what you believe the highlights are of the AICPA CPC (not to exceed one page). This should not essentially be an outline of the Code.
Although you can opt to discuss some of the history of the Code, this should mainly discuss the Standards or Principles contained within the Code. Choose a portion of the code to discuss.
It would be good planning to make sure you discuss that aspects of the CPC which are violated in your EA’s / DA’s. This way you can simply says xyz was violated and not have to explain what that means because it was discussed previously.
For each of the two chosen disciplinary actions (remember one you agree with and one you do not) (no more than two pages for each EA/ DA):
Provide the name and license number of the CPA at issue (use the CPA license look up), as well as the status of the license (active, inactive, suspended).
Provide the case number and effective date, if available (this mostly applies to the PCAOB and SEC cases).
Provide pertinent background on the individual (where they worked, their position, etc.)
Describe the violation, i.e. what happened (what’s the story?).
Provide the specific rule(s) from the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (name and Code number) that you believe were violated and explain why. Oftentimes the EA / DA will discuss violations, but typically these are SEC Securities Laws violations, state code violations, or something else. Rarely will the EA / DA provide the AICPA CPC violations, which is what I’m looking for here (although the other violations should also be included because they are part of the violation / story).
Do a news search and see if you can find any additional information about what happened.
Describe the penalty handed down by the AICPA, PCAOB, SEC, State Board, etc. If you start with the PCAOB or SEC website you will also need to search for that individual’s name on the AICPA website. If they were an AICPA member there should be a case there as well and you need to include what happened to their membership (if you do the search and find something please footnote that). This part can get confusing. Please review this information again: Background on Who does What regarding CPAs. The AICPA does NOT have the power to take away CPA licenses.
Discuss whether you believe the punishment was appropriate, too lenient, or too hard and why.
The purpose of the conclusion is to wrap everything together and to summarize what the reader should take-away from the paper.
Pre-Project Preparation
Read Parts I and II of the Bordeman and Westermann (2019) article. Link directly to the article: Bordeman and Westermann 2019 IAE.
Figuring who has the right to take away memberships, CPA licenses, or give jail time can be confusing. Please review the information I’ve summarized here: Background on Who does What regarding CPAs
Project Requirements
Please use the AICPA Disciplinary Actions website, the PCAOB Settled Disciplinary Orders website, the SEC Enforcement Actions website, or a State Board of Accountancy’s website, to find two disciplinary or enforcement actions from the last year that you and your partner find interesting. Please find one where you agree with the punishment or one where you do not. Make sure you choose disciplinary actions where the detailed proceedings are available. Do NOT simply search a website that has court cases. These actions need to have consequences at either the AICPA, PCAOB, SEC, or State Board level.
Prepare the written report not to exceed six pages (excluding the cover page and references page). Detailed information on what to include can be found here: AICPA Code of Prof Conduct Paper Requirements

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