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Please answer the folowing questions. Your answers should be at least 300 words

Please answer the folowing questions. Your answers should be at least 300 words. They must also utilize no less than two different sources (one can be your book, but another should be an outside source) and those sources must be cited within the text as well as at the end of the answer. Please use APA formatting for your citations etc. Please also use excellent grammar and punctuation. Please try to write formally (scientifically) throughout your answer. Only when directly asked your opinion should first person be utilized. (Coursebook- Gender: Crossing Boundaries by Grace Galliano)
1. Chapter 11: Compare and contrast the longevity of men vs. women. What stereotypes are held about what we are most likely to die from? Are they true? What major concerns do we need to consider for both men and women as they age? Does health care access or views of doctors affect the treatment of these conditions differently?
2. Chapter 12: Women typically suffer more often from eating disorders. This phenomenon is presented as a culture-bound syndrome in your book (see 271-273). Provide evidence for this idea and discuss the challenges women face that may lead to the development of an eating disorder. Include in your discussion ethnicities that seem more vulnerable and those that do not. Also include how men can also influence the development of eating disorders. Finally, in the last part of your answer, describe your thoughts about how eating disorders develop. Be sure to use evidence throughout your answer, even when presenting your own opinion.
Coursebook- Gender: Crossing Boundaries by Grace Galliano

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