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Please only use the lecture slides which I’ve attached. Prompt: What is aliena

Please only use the lecture slides which I’ve attached.
What is alienation? Explain the four forms of alienation discussed by Marx. Explain why
Marx thinks that capitalist systems encourage these four forms of alienation. Develop an
objection to an aspect of Marx’s account, and consider how Marx might respond.
Tips for writing a good paper:
– Be sure to keep your paper focused: don’t introduce extraneous material. Your goal is
not to summarize the entire reading, but to reconstruct and explain a small portion of it.
– Strive for clarity, accuracy, and precision. This often requires going beyond what’s
explicitly stated in the text, identifying tacit assumptions, hidden premises, and so forth.
A good paper is clearer, more accurate, and more precise than the text that it explains
(otherwise, we could simply read the original).
– Quotations should be used sparingly. If you do quote a passage, be sure to explain it in
your own words.
Some of the things that we look for in assessing a paper: clear writing; logical paper
organization; depth of analysis and critique; fair, accurate, and charitable reconstruction of
arguments; adequate defense of claims.

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What is aliena appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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