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– Please watch the documentary ( https://watchdocumentaries.com/man-on-wire/ ) 1

– Please watch the documentary ( https://watchdocumentaries.com/man-on-wire/ )
1. Provide the title, filmmaker, and a brief summary of the film.
2. Give a brief evaluative response to the film. This is your opportunity to express personal reactions and ideas that were sparked by the work. How did you feel when you watched the film? What questions did it raise for you? Remember, though – personal feeling is only one element of these critical responses. Liking or disliking the work is only the starting point for an interrogation of why.
Please put most effort on this: (should be the biggest chunk of the essay)
3. Analyze the relationship between the film and the course material under consideration as presented in the lecture, readings, and in our class discussions. In other words, situate your film in relation to the topics, histories, and debates you’re learning about in class. How does this film relate to the weekly topic under discussion? What parallels do you see between this film and any of the films we watched in class? To what extent does this film illustrate and/or challenge the ideas contained in your readings? This section should constitute the bulk of your response. (please look at the powerpoint attached, slides 2 and 3 should be helpful and used)
Key word to include and topic to talk about is the reenactment
4. All responses should be between 600-800 words in length and should be typed in 12-point font. Responses should be well-written, well-reasoned, and organized.

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