Select any of the 14 topics below to write a biopsychologyr research paper. Must cite a minimum of 4 sources (with the course textbook being one of those required sources). Course textbook is Pinel J.P.J. and Barnes, S.J. (2021). Biopsychology. 11th Edition. Pearson. ISBN: 978-0135-71088-3
Early Child Brain Development: The biology of early brain development from ages 0-5
Autism Spectrum Disorder: The biological causes of autism
CTE and Concussions: The impact of many concussions in developing CTE
Alzheimer’s Disease: The biological causes of Alzheimer’s disease
Obesity: The biological causes of obesity
Anorexia Nervosa: The biological causes of anorexia
Sexual Orientation: The biological causes of sexual orientation
Gender Identity: The biological causes of gender and of gender dysphoria
Addiction: The biological causes of substance abuse/addiction
Behavioral Addictions: The biology of addictions to behaviors, such as viewing pornography
Schizophrenia: The biological causes of schizophrenia
Major Depression: The biological causes of major depression
Bipolar Disorder: The biological causes of bipolar disorder
Anxiety Disorders: The biological causes of the anxiety disorders
This paper needs to be organized into two distinct sections, using APA headers:
The first section will explain the Well Established Biological Research – this will include information from the course textbook, and possibly one (or more) of your additional sources. Be sure any additional basic sources are from a valid and reliable source, and not a for-profit business website such as a place promoting their own therapy services. Also make sure all sources present biological research, that is clearly supported by the research.
The next section will cover new Current Biological Research on the issue, that goes beyond the basics, and beyond the textbook, and has been published in the last 1-10 years. Also see the APA 101 Module Resources posted on Canvas, showing you how to organize your paper into these two different sections, and how to outline it all with APA Style Level 1 and Level 2 headers.
Additionally, it is helpful to adhere to following:
Begin your paper with an introductory paragraph, and then focus on the Established Biological Research that is presented in the course textbook, and also your additional resources.
Next, focus on the current biological research, creating a Level 2 header for each of the topics you are covering. Depending on your topic this may include research on the importance of genetics, the level of heritability, epigenetics, prenatal development, differences in brain anatomy, differences in brain functioning, hormones, neurotransmitters, and any other clearly biological issues.
Remember that 3 sources is just the minimum, if more is needed to adequately cover the topic then use more than the minimum.
The text of the paper should be 3-4 pages long – this does not include the title page or references page.
If you want, you may very briefly reflect on your own life and experiences with these issues in the conclusion of your paper, but it must be clearly tied to the psychological research.
This is a research paper that must always show a good understanding of the biopsychological theories and research.
A minimum of 3 sources are required for this paper.
One source must be the course textbook
One must be a peer-reviewed empirical research article
One must be a research-based source that provides biological facts and research on the topic.
Unreliable sources, such as a blog, Wikipedia, personal interviews, and for-profit business websites are NOT allowed, because they are not reliable.
The sources need to cover very specific biological studies that have been done in the last 10 years and provide new and specific biological information on the topic that is not well known and is not covered in the textbook. The peer-reviewed empirical research article must come from a scientific journal, and it is highly recommended that you use the GWC Library Databases to locate this source, as reviewed in the APA 101 Module. For the research-based source that is not a peer-reviewed journal article, it is strongly recommended that you use ScienceDaily or NeuroScience News as these are good places to find the types of articles that you need.
** APA formatting is a large portion of the assignment grade
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