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Task #1: Watch the following video: The urgency of intersectionality by Kimberlé

Task #1: Watch the following video:
The urgency of intersectionality by Kimberlé Crenshaw [18:49; Use the closed captioning if you need it(CC)], “The Urgency of Intersectionality [Streaming video file].” December 07, 2016. YouTube: TED. Retrieved Month Day, Year (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akOe5-UsQ2o).
Task #2: Read the following short peer-reviewed article on the utility of intersectionality: Carbado et al. (2013) Intersectionality Mapping the Movements of a Theory. (The pdf is below)
Task #3: Answer the following prompt in its entirety:
In your own words, explain what intersectionality means to you. Provide at least two examples from the Carbado et al. (2013) article and at least two examples from chapters 1-4 to support your argument.
Note: The free textbook does not explicitly discuss intersectionality. However, you may cite examples of how marginalized groups experience individual discrimination and institutional discrimination.
You may cite examples from the lecture notes as well to substantiate your argument.
Further, it should be noted this intersectional perspective stems from conflict theory and multicultural feminism, which hold women of color face discrimination because of their gender, race, social class, and other attributes of identity (Social Problems: Continuity and Change 2016).
What does Kimberlé Crenshaw argue in her TED talk? And, how does it relate to the assigned readings for this online class?
Kimberlé Crenshaw, and other intersectional theorists argue that race, gender, social class, and other social attributes of identity are intertwined and cannot be comprehended on their own. How have your social attributes of identity influenced your life (i.e., your gender, race, ethnicity, social class, age, ability, religious affiliation, etc.)? In other words, how does your intersectional identity affect your beliefs and values, opportunities, and life chances?
By the way, the grammar and vocabulary don’t need to be very pro.

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The urgency of intersectionality by Kimberlé appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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