The question of the topic is –
Critically explain how international society influences the way in which countries and
other international actors manage global risks.
Questions to consider – How did international society come about? What are the pillars of international society? Addressing
these questions will enable you to understand how international society was created by states and
other international actors. It will also enable you to understand how states and other international
actors have, in turn, shaped the nature of international society. Moreover, addressing the above
questions will help you understand the roles of international society’s norms, rules and institutions.
Now you will need to explain how these norms, rules and institutions determine the way states and
other international actors manage security, deal with threats from terrorism, and manage global risks.
For presentation, use a 12-point font and 1.5 or double line spacing.
Citations should be provided in-text using an author-date method with the page numbers
afterwards, for example. The reference list must include a minimum of 10 academic sources
The essay length is 2,000 words
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Critically explain how international society inf appeared first on Skilled Papers.