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Three case studies are required for this order: Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4 (one f

Three case studies are required for this order: Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4 (one for each week). Please follow the Case Study instruction to complete the order. And separate the three case studies with a title in 1 word document.
Case Study instruction:
Your journal should comment on the significance of key trends in new media audience behaviour by using your own examples of new media audience practices from any of the following domains: film, television, music, games, online media, apps, new media art, theatre, and everyday life and culture. You must utilise and reflect on the readings for the course and critically analyse and evaluate the objects of your reviews, not just describe them. You should aim to write one blog review (500 words) every week. Provide images and links to your examples if possible and make sure you include captions and references to acknowledge your sources.
Marking criteria:
Critical analysis and understanding of key concepts from relevant weekly readings.
Clear articulation of your own point of view (argument).
Research and analysis of your own examples (not just the ones from the readings or seminar).
Structure, organisation, and presentation.
Writing style, grammar and clarity of expression.
Correct use of links and referencing to acknowledge sources.
You can view the readings by name, and some are provided with a link
Week 2: New Media: Key Concepts
1. Flew, T. (2008) New Media: An introduction (20 key new media concepts: pp.21-37), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pdf file W2_R1)
2. Hight,C & Haridranath, R. (2017) Studying Digital media audiences; perspectives form Australasia(Introduction; Studying Digital media audiences (pg1-4) (pdf file W2_R2)
Week 3: Concepts of the Audience & viewing
1. Shimpach, S. (2011). Viewing. In V. Nightingale (Ed.), The Handbook of Media Audiences (pp. 62-85). Malden: WileyBlackwell. (pdf file W3_R1)
Week 4: Cultural intermediaries & social influencers
1. Kelly, Aiden, (2014) Advertising, ch6, in Maguire, J. & Matthews, J. (2014) The cultural intermediaries reader (pdf file W4_R1)
2. Urquahart, M. The top 20 most followed Australian Influencers on Instagram, Marie Claire | Reading Link: https://www.marieclaire.com.au/australian-influencers-instagram )

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