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Assessment Title: Impact of PSM
SUBMISSION DATE: 8 MAY 2022 before 23:00 Hours (Singapore Time)
This Cw1 assessment has weightage of 50% of Module Assessment
For the intended Module Learning Outcomes (MLO), students should be able to:
• (MLO1) Appraise the linkages between business strategy and procurement and supply strategy
• (MLO2) Critically evaluate how procurement and supply management can contribute to competitive advantage.
• (MLO3) Apply procurement and supply management theory, concepts and models to the case studies of sufficient complexity to require judgement and synthesis.
• (MLO4) Evaluate critically research and advance scholarship in a specified area of procurement and supply management leading to a demonstration of independent learning and an advancement of individual knowledge.
• (MLO5) Assess and evaluate advanced concepts and future trends in procurement and supply management.

INDIVIDUAL REPORT (50% Module Weightage)
This coursework aims to enhance your understanding of the important role of Procurement and Supply Management (PSM) and its impact on a company. Wherever possible, apply/ relate your research/ data mining to your (or any other) company. You can hide the identity of the company being discussed. By the end of your report, the reader should be able to appreciate the importance and impact of PSM’s role.
For this assessment, you will need to complete the following 4 tasks (70/100 marks):
1. (C1.1: Linkage of Strategies – 10/100 marks) : Identify any one company and explain the importance of linkage between its Business Strategy and its Procurement and Supply Strategy. (MLO1)
2. (C1.2: Impact of PSM – 20/100 marks) : Identify any one company and discuss the ways that the PSM function can help the company to be more competitive and successful in the market. Apply appropriate theories, concepts and models to your analysis.(MLO2/03)
Refer to 18/4 recording on 8;50 pm
3. (C1.3: PMI Trends – 20/100 marks) : With reference to the IHS Markit and the Institute for Supply Management, comment on how the Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) data are used by Procurement Managers. Show and comment on the LATEST published trend charts (with 2021 and 2022 shown by month) on Manufacturing PMI for each of the 5 countries: China, Japan, Singapore, UK and USA. (MLO4)
4. (C1.4: Impact of Covid-19 on PSM Strategy – 20/100 marks) : Discuss its impact on PSM Strategy. Suggest ways to overcome any negative impact, assess and evaluate advanced concepts and future trends in PSM. (MLO5)
1. CAUTION: Do note all the requirements mentioned below.
2. On-Line Submission via Cw1 Turnitin link for 271EKM Module on Blackboard LMS.
3. Please ensure that you retain a copy of your report and a dated copy of your Turnitin Digital Receipt as proof of your FINAL submission. Then check your document to confirm that it can be opened and is not corrupted (happened before).
4. Submission and Marked Work Return due dates: Refer to Blackboard and Turnitin. DO NOT BE LATE. SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT ONLY.
5. Number of Words: 2,000 words ±10% allowances
Word count excludes Cover page, Table of Contents, Bibliography, Reference List, and Appendices. Students will be penalised for any substantial differences. Report your word count on your Cover page.
6. Include relevant maps, figures, charts, diagrams, graphs, images, tables, etc.: REMEMBER to indicate the title and source.
7. Use 7th APA Referencing System. Include proper in-text citation and reference list in alphabetical order. The guide link is https://libguides.coventry.ac.uk/partners/referencing
8. A recognisable filename must be used to upload (in WORD FORMAT ONLY) into the Turnitin for plagiarism check (BELOW 15%: PLAGIARISM WILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY). For example: “Student CU ID/Name.etc”. Use the SAME username, filename and submission title for each submission (or re-submission) into the Turnitin.
9. You should search textbooks, library, databases, company websites and trade journals, magazines, company websites, reports, etc. in order to support your discussion. Do NOT use Wikipedia for referencing.
10. Note the Marking Scheme/ Marking Criteria, in general for the 100% comprising of:
70% Completing all 4 required tasks
10% Your overall evaluation and analysis skills
10% Your report’s Style and Presentation (including Spelling Check and Grammar,
and Table of Contents)
10% References (Acknowledgement of sources of material and proper referencing (7th APA)
11. Re-Assessment Method for failed coursework: Completion of a comparable piece of report.
The Required Format (“specifications”) for your report is as follows: Use Arial 12 and 1.5 (minimum) line spacing and overall margin 2.5 cm. (Give it a “professional look” as if you are responding to a Tender from a Supplier.)
Cover Page (with your key student details)
Report Title to include:
(Your CU ID/Full Name) 271EKM Cw1: Impact of PSM
Table of Contents (Detailed page to include Header Number#, Sub-Header Number #.#, Sub-Sub-Header #.#.# with page numbers and headers to match exactly with those on the inside pages)
List of Abbreviations/ Glossary (if any, to help the reader)
1 Introduction (short – so that you do not waste your total words budget)
2 The main body for the 4 tasks (include sub-headers #.# and sub-sub-header#.#.# for each section – see example below on the proper numbering alignment )
– do – 2 ABCD (header)
– do – 2.1 EFGH (sub-header)
# Conclusion 2.1.1 IJKL (sub-sub-header)
# Bibliography/References 2.2 MNOP (sub-header) 2.2.1 QRST(sub-sub-header)
# Appendices (if any) 3 UVWX (header)
Lysons, Kenneth and Farrington, Brian. Procurement and Supply Chain Management 9th edition 2016. Pearson
Recommended Reading
Baily, P.J.H. (2009) Procurement Principles and Management. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall Financial Times
Johnsen, T.E., Howard, M., Miemczyk, J (2014). Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: A Sustainability Perspective. New York: Routledge
Multi-Channel Contact Info: S K Chan (Associate Lecturer)
Emails: seowkhoon.chan@associate.psb.edu.sg asksk@singnet.com.sg
WhatsApp : 96329786 WeChat : S96329786

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