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TSL555: Literacy Language and Education 1. Develop an in-depth understanding of the nature of early literacy and numeracy development in the context of everyday life across families and cultures 2. Apply discipline knowledge and competency in literacy and numeracy to the education of young children The particular context in which the lit

TSL555: Literacy Language and Education

1. Develop an in-depth understanding of the nature of early literacy and numeracy development in the context of everyday life across families and cultures

2. Apply discipline knowledge and competency in literacy and numeracy to the education of young children

  • The particular context in which the literacy and/or numeracy learning occurred for example, who was involved, the setting, and the background information leading to the literacy and numeracy learning scenarios.
  • Describe the key literacy and or numeracy learning components that occurred, detailing the specific activities observed and the concepts explored.
  • The extent to which you perceive the literacy and/or numeracy activities that occurred enhanced, or not, the children’s learning.
  • Substantiate your comments with reference to relevant curriculum frameworks and professional literature.
  • Conclude your research report by providing some useful directions, based on your findings and professional reading, to support literacy and/or numeracy learning for young children. Word count/equivalent: 4000 words Weighting/Value: 50% Presentation requirements: The assignment should be written as an essay and must conform to APA 7th edition writing and referencing style. Criteria for marking:
  • You have provided details of the context for your observation and the children involved.
  • You have described the activities observed and the key literacy and/or numeracy concepts explored.
  • You have critiqued the activities observed and the extent to which the children’s learning was enhanced, giving evidence to support your views. • You provide directions, based on your findings and professional reading, to support literacy and/or numeracy learning for young children.
  • Your writing demonstrates a well-expressed, clearly proofread, and coherent development of ideas.
  • You have used correct citation conventions and accurately recorded the bibliographic details of texts cited in your paper. I have done the paper halfway. Please see attached.

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