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“We lead by virtue of who we are.” This quote by Kevin Cashman embodies the rela

“We lead by virtue of who we are.” This quote by Kevin Cashman embodies the relationship between self-awareness and leadership: leading from who we are. Our self-awareness is a pathway to growth as individuals and leaders. After completing the reflection exercise, share your thoughts on the questions in bold, or your thoughts on your level of self-awareness as it relates to you as a leader.
Go to your favorite spot to sit. Get comfortable. Close your eyes, but don’t lie down. (Remember, this is an awakening exercise, so our goal is to wake up, not to sleep!) Listen to your internal dialogue and chatter: “This is a dumb exercise.” “I’m tired.” “I’m worried about . . .” Observe the dialogue in a non-judging way. Don’t mind your thoughts and feelings; just let them pass in and out. Let your thoughts settle down. This will happen naturally in your non-judging state. Start to listen. Listen for your inner voice, not the one in your head with the dialogue and thoughts. Listen for the one in your gut, the impulse that speaks to you through feelings, inspirations, intuitions, and possibilities.
From that place, ask questions and listen:
What is really important to me?
Is this the life I want to live?
What gives passion, meaning, and purpose to my life?
How can I better serve, to make even more of a difference?
How can I live connected to these inner values?
Pause deeply. Let the questions and answers come to you easily and spontaneously. Enjoy your purposeful pause. There are many ways to open up to this state: listening to music, taking a walk, going on a run, or sitting in your favorite chair. Use whatever way works for you, and practice this wake-up reflection regularly. If you’re a bit uncomfortable or tense at first, don’t worry about it. Over time you will settle into it, and your discomfort will pass. Waking up to the next layer of authentic living and authentic leading is an ever-present and ever-relevant journey.
Self-Reflection – One of the most powerful leadership activities you can perform – YouTube

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