You are an American businessperson who has
been given a work assignment in Beijing, China where you will be spending a
year getting a large project started. Most of your work will involve
interacting, negotiating, and socializing with host country nationals.
1. How
would you prepare for this assignment to make sure you succeed?
2. What
country-specific factors do you need to keep in mind, and why?
You are an international business expert,
and a [pick one: car, fast food, hotels, smartphones, pharmaceutical] company
approaches you to seek guidance about investing in the country of Bulgaria. You
complete your analysis and submit your recommendations to the company.
1. What
approach (entry mode) would you adopt, and why?
2. As
part of your analysis use visuals to ensure data and facts are easily
understood by your client, explain your visuals in detail.
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been given a work assignment in Beiji appeared first on Skilled Papers.