Part 1: Introduction to Information and Communication Tools in Nursing Practice Choose a social media platform (i.e., X, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok). Create a social media post to address healthcare misinformation using a relevant digital tool. For example, if you…
Category: Uncategorized
Brief Report – APA format Using your outline from week 1 as a guide, submit a minimum of 5 pages of the research you have completed on your topic to date. You should have an introduction and a beginning of a Literature Review for this assignment. You must include a Cover Page, and list of References (not included in 5 page count).
Brief Report – APA format Using your outline from week 1 as a guide, submit a minimum of 5 pages of the research you have completed on your topic to date. You should have an introduction and a beginning of…
For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness
For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness In a 2-page essay, address…
you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various CEPH competencies you are working toward achieving.
Practicum Environment and Social Determinants [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 2, 5] Each week, you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various CEPH competencies you are working…
making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in the essay, using words, phrases, and clauses to link major ideas in the paragraph, organizing ideas in a logical way, stati
Revise this paragraph from the essay on vegetarianism, which focuses on one of the claim’s supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on: making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in…
N402 “WIT” Assignment Instructions and Rubric Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe and reflect on psychosocial nursing communication, focusing on end-of-life care, interprofessional communication, and collaboration. You will watch the movie WIT and explore concepts of death, dying, and the nurse-patient psychosocia
N402 “WIT” Assignment Instructions and Rubric Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe and reflect on psychosocial nursing communication, focusing on end-of-life care, interprofessional communication, and collaboration. You will watch the movie WIT and explore concepts of death,…
Expert’s help Today- Assignment Culture of Choice PowerPoint Directions: Select a culture from the list provided on Canvas. MY CULTURE IS: HINDU Locate and read an article fro
Assignment Culture of Choice PowerPoint Directions: Select a culture from the list provided on Canvas. MY CULTURE IS: HINDU Locate and read an article from a scholarly source (professional, peer-reviewed journal) relating to your selected culture and healthcare. Create a…
Instructions/Rubric for CAM PowerPoint • First, complete the Holistic Nursing Module and read chapter 20 in the Blais and Hayes Textbook. • Then choose two Complimentary and/or Alternative Modalities. You will need to “sign up” for these-(see sign up in the content area) so that not everyone does the same thing and we get a variety), first come first served, don’t delay or you may not get your preferred choices.
Instructions/Rubric for CAM PowerPoint • First, complete the Holistic Nursing Module and read chapter 20 in the Blais and Hayes Textbook. • Then choose two Complimentary and/or Alternative Modalities. You will need to “sign up” for these-(see sign up in…
Aspire Training & Consulting
Aspire Training & Consulting The intellectual property of the assessment resources reproduced here remains with Aspire Training & Consulting. Purchasers may customise, contextualise or adapt the assessment resources. And copy them as required. Purchasers may make the assessments available to…
health care decision making by emergency department nurses
POST 1 KELLY Utilizing conjoint analysis to explicate health care decision making by emergency department nurses: a feasibility study. The goal of this study was to study the feasibility of using clinical simulation to understand proxy decision making by emergency…